Dear Piedy and Juan Carlos,
We are happy to give you a detailed report of the journey that Nieves made with us to Holland.
The first time we saw Nieves was the time that we brought the food on we believe the 21st of December 2010.
We noticed that Nieves was a bit shy and absolutely not dominant to other dogs.
Then on December 29th 2010 we took her with us to Holland. It was a long trip. Knowing that she was not feeling very happy in her strange environment, surrounded by 5 strange dogs that are busy and noisy, we decided to give her a little bit more attention than we gave the other dogs. She obviously needed this to feel secure. At first she wouldn’t eat of drink anything. Being just of of the six dogs that having a meal together… was not something that Nieves liked.
But the next day, late in the afternoon she started to drink and eat. We gave her food and drinks in her bench. Here she felt secure. The same was the case with her sanitation. At last, after endless walks she did a peepee late in the evening of 30 December. (34 hours after our departure from the shelter) From that moment on she felt more at ease. Of course she was a bit spoiled by all the special attention that she had earlier be still she needed it. She is not like the rest.
Living close together… means starting to know each other very well. We have noticed that Nieves is costumed to walk at a leach. She is constantly aware of the fact that someone is walking beside her. She asks frequently the approval from the person that walks with her. This shows a history of obedience behavior. It took her some time to feel confident enough to find a good spot to do her ‘peepee’ while she walks on a leach.
Of course she is praised of her achievements and Nieves always finds time to be hugged.
The last two days she is like the Queen of the camper. Her Bench is just in the middle as you can see in one of the pictures and she can see us constantly. Yes, we know that the new owner will have a very special dog.
We made an appointment with him to hand over Nieves on January 2nd at noon. We told him that in times of need we will adopt Nieves from him in case he should not be able to take care of her…
We will miss her too…..
Annerie and Ton Bogers
Schoorlaan 37
2265 VS Leidschendam
The Netherlands
Tel: 0031622225271
Voorlopig reisschema:
2 jan 12.00-13.00 uur Parkeerplaats Airport Rotterdam Nederland voor de overdracht van de beestjes aan de nieuwe baasjes.
Tot zover…
Groeten en de beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar
van Annerie en Ton
Met dank aan alle mensen, bedrijven, organisaties die ons geholpen hebben bij het verzamelen van goederen, het geven van advies, zorgdragen voor bemiddeling, of anderszins ondersteuning hebben verleend aan dit transport:
Afroditi, Dierenkliniek Animo, Den Haag; Mirjam , Greyhounds in Nood;
Menno de Jong, Dierenspeciaalzaak Buddies, V’burg; Hanno Berger, Dierennood;
Nancy Kuipers, Trimsalon Hondenboel, Schipluiden; Kees en Arla, Greyhounds in Nood;
Ilja Staas, Dierenspeciaalzaak Damlaan L’dam; Gea Vermeulen, Zwerfhonden in Nood;
Monique, Fitness & Racketclub Westvliet, L’dam;
Tennispark Overdam, L’dam; Richard en Margreet Bijman;
Nicole, wed. Verhoog, Dierenspeciaalzaak Voorschoten; Nicolien Groen, Leidschendam;
Fam. de Koning, Primera Damlaan, L’dam; Carla van Duijn, Den Haag;
Ger Hekking, Dobey Dierenspeciaalzaak, Rijswijk; Sytske Mens, Den Haag;
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